

Digital Remedy Repair - Charleston, SC

Fast, affordable, and oozing personality, Digital Remedy Repair is teaching Charleston that iPhone repair and laptop repair doesn't mean days of waiting and hundreds of dollars spent. Come visit us for repairs, clasess, and fun events on King Street!


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Digital Remedy Repair is a laptop repair and iphone repair shop. We take pride in being very good at what we do. It’s taken us almost a decade to get here, and we’ve put in a lot of sweat and hours at perfecting our craft. Digital Remedy Repair might have been started in Charleston, SC, but we were born at one of the oldest laptop and iPhone repair shops in New York City. We honed our craft performing repairs on some of the most demanding customers in the country. We learned how to repair iPhones fast, because the people we served couldn’t be separated from their phones for more than 15 minutes at a time. And then we went south, because quite frankly, the weather in New York is terrible.

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