
Released April 2010 / 2.4, 2.53 GHz Core i5 or 2.66 GHz Core i7 Processors

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Device will not fully power on

Hey guys, so I've reviewed the forums for a few hours and tried quite a few things to get this laptop to go on.

Basically, it came in for a no power issue, no matter what you did it didn't power on.

At first I thought it may be a battery, so I replaced it to no avail. I then read online that if I hold the power button for 10 seconds and the plug the device in and continue holding the power it would power on, and it did. Now it would go to about two thirds of the loading bar, I would press the power button and it would boot to the login screen but only last about 2 minutes after you logged in.

I then reset the PRAM, no success, then I reset the SMC, no success, then I removed one RAM stick at a time, no success.

Also, I forgot to mention that the fans are running at full speed as soon as the device tries to boot, I tried to clean any dust out, but there wasn't much there to begin with.

Now I have it in front of me, it boots, fans full speed, sometimes to two thirds of the bar, sometimes to the login screen and about 30 seconds after logging in to a user it automatically powers off and automatically reboots and repeats over and over again, even if the lid is closed. If I unplug it from a power source, though, it stops trying to boot.

I've also noticed that there is an X over the battery symbol no matter what battery I have in the device.

Let me know if you can think of any solutions!

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What happens when you press the on board battery checker? How many LED's two you see? Also when you plug in the MagSafe cable what color is it - Amber or Green?


The light is green when I plug it in. The battery checker flashes full 5 times and then off if it's plugged in but doesn't do anything when it's unplugged.

Also, I'm not 100% it's a 2010, but it's anywhere from 2010 to 2012.


Lets try this open your system following the first six steps from this guide: MacBook Pro 15" Unibody Mid 2010 Logic Board Replacement then jump down to Step20 and carefully disconnect the battery checker. put some tape across the cable so it doesn't short. Reconnect the battery see if thats better.


Do you mean boot the computer without the battery checker plugged in ?


What color is the battery X?






OK, The battery checker test was to remove a possibly of the checker causing the issue. Carefully disconnect the battery again and plug the checker back in.

As you’ve replaced the battery you either got a bad one or the charging logic on your main logic board is messed up.

At this point I would install CoconutBattery so you can see whats happening while it’s charging and when its on battery alone. Now take a screenshot of the main screen of CoconutBattery which the charger is plugged in and a second when its on battery. Paste them here for us to see Adding images to an existing question

In the meantime review this Apple T/N to see if the cord is OK and MagSafe connector on your system and cord are in good working order as well as check that you are using the correct charger for your system Apple Portables: Troubleshooting MagSafe adapters


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Hey Dan, the problem is that the computer doesn't stay on long enough to install coconut battery and run it.


OK, Do you have a second MacBook to check the battery within it?

You might try Safe Mode Mac startup key combinations


Okay, so safe mode allowed it to boot and stay on. Coconut battery is telling me that there is not battery in the device. Now it has a black X btw.


Double check the connection if it looks good, your battery needs to be replaced at this point as its defective.

At this point the GPU logic does become suspect. Did you get your system wet or have a liquid spill?

I would fully remove the logic board and inspect the other side making sure theres no damage.


I’ve already tried to replace the battery twice and I’ve removed the board completely and scrubbed it with alcohol, I did not notice any Liquid damage to the board. I also did a complete reflow of all the chips. I think I may be out of luck with this machine.




it looks like a failing graphics chip. try to re-flow the chip with a hot air station or hair dryer. The reason to why i think this si the problem is because the fan is spinning at high speed constantly. indicating that something is getting hot or there is low airflow so clean the old thermal past and replace it with new one and clean the fan and CPU thermal paste as well. This should solve your issue.


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Tried this already too... cleaned and added new thermal paste to each chip, 4 I think in total.


A failing GPU has no effect on what the menu bar shows graphically on the screen. But it can explain the display winking out. Often you see artifacts or just a white screen. Running Safe mode is one way around the dedicated GPU so the Intel internal graphics engine is running alone.



Hey Christopher you should open up the back of the computer and locate the battery and unplug it for 30 second within those seconds clean the port where is plugs in and the plug that powers the computer and the battery best of luck.


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Hey man, I've done that already. I actually removed the board and scrubbed the whole thing. And actually, I have two separate computers with the exact same issue.


Resetting SMC won't really fix this as the system is not seeing the battery. (white X). And in the process of replacing the battery you would have in fact done the same thing.




Christopher Ansbaugh crwdns2934231:0crwdne2934231:0

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