
Released in May 2020, the 13" MacBook Pro features quad-core Intel 8th generation Core i5 and i7 processors, and Intel Iris Plus 645 integrated graphics. (Model A2289/EMC3456 with two Thunderbolt 3 ports)

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Safari - Using Significant Energy

Even when only one tab is opened on Safari browser, Safari shows as “Using Significant Energy”. Is this something to be concerned about? Not sure if this is normal?

Using Catalina 10.15.6 on a brand new MacBook Pro 13”.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Update (08/30/2020)

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In truth there is little you can do to fix this as its often the web page you’re viewing is forcing your system to run code which is looping and/or has a memory leak.

You still want to make sure you have a good antivirus, malware and spyware apps to reduce your risk of getting infected. Also make sure you don’t have any Safari plug-ins which is causing issues.


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Any particular Malware and Spyware apps you would recommend @danj ? For antivirus, I use Bit Defender. Any thoughts?

When you state that a web page might be forcing the system to run looping code etc. - would just the Google home page also do this for example? I have no extensions and plug-ins installed at the moment. I notice that even if I simply have the google homepage open on a single Safari tab, it "uses significant energy". What could I do to resolve a memory leak, if that is indeed the problem?


MalwareBites is a good tool to have!

What happens if you just open a empty widow or Apples web site?

As far as looking for memory leaks you have Activity Monitor for that.


@danj Thanks will install MalwareBites. I think BitDefender Antivirus for Mac has been slowing down my system a little - or perhaps I am imagining things. Not sure.

Been noticing some strange behaviour with Safari:

Upon a reboot of the MacBook and when opening an empty window - No apps using significant energy.

When opening - Safari using significant energy.

When opening a blank window after a reboot and a minute or two of browsing - Safari using significant energy.

Posting some screenshots of the Activity Monitor.


@sz1809 - Well you have something lurking inside of Safari !!

Did you add any plug-ins? You do need to run MalwareBites to see if there is something in Safari.

You could also try creating a new user account to see if its reacting the same way.


@danj I ran a scan with Malwarebytes, no threats and PUPs detected. On Safari, I when I noticed this issue, no plugins and extensions were installed. The "Using significant Energy" issue started showing up from the time I used the MacBook when it was brand new last week. I recently installed Bitdefender AV so it has now installed three extensions in Safari which I have not enabled, but even when there were no extensions installed, I noticed this behaviour. I will crate a new user account and see if Safari is behaving the same way. Will update.




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