
Released April 2010 / 2.4, 2.53 GHz Core i5 or 2.66 GHz Core i7 Processors

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How do I install a new MacOS on a new hard drive?

MacbookPro Mid-2010 15"

First off I'm not crazy- I've just literally never done this and I like to know every detail...

So my stock HDD is failing and I bought a 500GB SSD to replace it with. Long story short I cannot clone the failing drive, I cannot boot into internet recovery mode either to install the OS onto my SSD. I've spent probably 4 hours trying different ways to get Mac OS Sierra, El Capitan, Snow Leopard and Lion installed onto my SSD via the App Store. I can begin downloads but they won't finish and the one time it did finish it said the file was corrupted and wouldn't let me install it.


-I've already formatted my SSD as a boot disk.

-I've already backed up my important files I want to keep to a USB.

-I've tried numerous troubleshooting forums and suggestions but because of the failing hard drive I'm unable to clone my files, unable to download the applicable OS from the App Store, nothing. The only option I have is to get the current hard drive out of there.

Question: Can I just go ahead and swap out my HDD to my new SSD, and go buy the disk of Mac OS Snow Leopard or Lion and pop it in to install it?

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You can "pop in" your ssd and buy the disk of Mac OS Snow Leopard or Lion and do the install or you can do a internet recovery following the instruction from Apple.

If you have another Mac around you can use this kind of install from a bootable usb.

El Capitan or other installs will show corrupted if the time and date on the machine is after the 10 January 2016, just change it and it will install.


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Thank you sir! This is exactly what I was looking for, simple and to the point. I also haven't had someone suggest the time change so I'm going to try that. Thanks again


Changing the time worked for me. I think you have to change to a date AFTER OS X El Capitan was built fo this to work. You can change the time with the directions here:


Changing the time worked like a dream. It started downloading the High Sierra OS automatically. Great idea. Thanks a million.



Your problem may be in your format. It has to be GUID mac OS X extended. You do not want to clone as you will not get the repair partition. It sounds like you do have an external adapter or enclosure.

Next please tell us the exact SSD you are trying to use. Not all are backward compatible to SATAII Serial ATA (3 Gb/s).

Apples last installable DVD they sold was the 10.6.3. They never sold anything higher in a disk. Your machine will take an initial install from this disk but I don't think you will need to do that once we get your other issues corrected.


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-My SSD is - Crucial MX300 525GB SATA 2.5 Inch Internal Solid State Drive - CT525MX300SSD1

-I'm using a 3.0 USB transfer cable.

-I was following these instructions in the beginning ... I couldn't get past the point where you start actually cloning files... which I realized later is not what I should have been doing. But I did the GUID Patition Table, made a partition 1 etc. I got to step 5 on those instructions.


Do you even have a rep[air partition on your current internal drive?


.No I don't.


Well without that repair partition you can't go to step #5.b First you need to get 10.11 or 10.12 installed on your primary drive.



i am having also have a problem with my Mac pro 15 Mid 2010. I also replaced my dead 500 GB Sata ATA HD with a new one of same. I reformatted and disc utility now shows OS X Base System 500.1 GB. Under Base system Info it shows File system Mac OS Extended File system UUID. I still cannot reinstall the the High sierra that shows.


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