
Can I recover data after Errno = 19?

Hi there,

I have an early 2011 MacBook Pro (lost track of the exact operating system version, but it was Yosemite) that froze last night to the point where I had to do a hard shutdown. When I turned it back on, it failed to load and I got the grey screen with the no entry symbol.

I tried booting it into recovery mode and running the disk utility to verify the Mac internal HD and got the following messages: 'This volume could not be verified completely' and 'Error: This disk needs to be repaired. Click repair disk'. Unfortunately the option to repair the disk was ghosted out. I noted that it said the HD was 'not mounted' but attempts to mount it failed.

I also tried booting from the original install disk, in case using the disk utility from there made any difference, but it kept just booting the standard way (even though the disk was inserted and I was holding down C). I tried holding down the option key while I started up to see if I could select the install disk, but it only gave me the option of the Mac HD. I know I've successfully booted from the install disk when I was verifying the hard drive prior to upgrading to Yosemite.

I next tried to boot in safe mode using the Verbose mode, but didn't get very far. It came up with the text 'cannot mount root, errno = 19', and kept repeating.

I also tried to reset the NVRAM and SMC just in case, but this didn't make any difference.

I know it sounds like it is most likely that the hard drive has done it's dash. Unfortunately I haven't backed up for a few days and there are a few critical work files I would like to recover, if at all possible, which leaves me with the following questions...

- Is there anything else I should do, or should I bother taking it to an apple or Mac repair store?

- What do you think is the exact issue, given the errno = 19 message, and the inability to boot from the install disk?

- With this type of error, is there any chance that target disk mode would work so that I could recover those files?

- Are there any other options for trying to recover some data?

Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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My brother's MacBook Pro had a similar issue a few years ago. In his case the issue started when he attempted to update the OS to the then most recent version. The update failed with an error saying that the Hard Disk needed to be repaired and instructing him to restart in Recovery Mode and repair the disk. When he did this the "Repair Disk" option was grayed out as you said. From my searches then it seems that the drive entered a "write-locked" state that prevented it from mounting. I was able to recover his files and restore the computer to working order. You will need another computer that has enough free space to hold the files you want to save, and the appropriate cable to connect the misbehaving computer to the working computer.

This procedure requires booting in Recovery Mode and erasing the non-working computer's hard drive, reformatting it, and restoring the system.

1. Turn on the working computer.

2. Make sure the non-working computer is turned off, connect the two computers using the appropriate cable (FireWire or Thunderbolt)

3. Turn on the non-working computer holding down the "T" key to enter Target Disk Mode. (This worked in the case of my brother's computer, but I can't guarantee that this will work in your case, but if you could get it into Verbose mode I would think you should be able to get into Target Disk Mode.)

4. The non-working computer's hard drive icon should appear on the working computer's desktop. You may get a message that you cannot alter the contents of the external drive (non-working computer), but you will be able to transfer files from the non-working machine to the working one.

NOTE: You could connect a dedicated external drive to the working computer and transfer files from the non-working computer to the external drive using the working computer as an intermediary of sorts.

5. Transfer the files you wish to save. We will be erasing the non-working computer's drive and restoring the system so be certain you have what you need transferred before you get to that step.

6. Once you have saved all of the files you need to save, you can eject the non-working computer's hard drive, and turn off the non-working computer.

7. If possible connect the computer to the internet, if not possible you can use wi-fi, but it may take longer.

8. Connect the non-working computer to the drive with your most recent backup.

8. Turn on the non-working computer holding down the "Command+R" keys.

9. Once the computer is in Recovery Mode choose the option to Restore From Backup

10. You will then be asked to choose which backup to use, and then click "Restore". Once this process is done you should be able to boot the system. You can then transfer the files you saved to the other computer or external hard drive back to the restored computer.


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Mac data loss is actually a hard task for many Mac users 'cause most of them think the Mac OS is a complicated computer operating system (At least I think it is complicated). Here are some tips you need to know after data loss happened.

1. If you meet the file loss situation, keep calm and stop using your computer to do any read or write operation until you find the way to recover the lost files because any wrong operation could damage them so they can't be recovered.

2. If you’ve lost a file, time is of the essence. As new files saved to Mac hard drive or storage devices, the original files gets overwritten. So do not use the drive or disk which your deleted files are stored before at all, until you have completed the scanning and recovery process.

3. The system crashed or the files loss situation happens occasionally, so remember build a backup for the files periodically is strongly needed.

4. If you meet the file loss situation again, stop using the Mac or storage device right now, use another computer to process the files recovery.

5. Remember this, no matter at the normal time or after files recovery, build a backup for the files periodically is the best method to protect your files from data loss situation.


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