
Released on July 21, 2011. Core i5 or Core i7 Processor. Thunderbolt. This unit is also used to run the Mac mini Server configuration.

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Mac mini went in the dishwasher... Trying to fix it

Crazy gf put my mini in the dishwasher. Completely unrelated to why we were fighting.... Perhaps the iPhone 6 would have been more appropriate.

Anywho,,,, took it apart and dried it.... Thought she was good and it fired up then.... Went to dinner and bought some electric spray stuff and cleaned it some more... and now nothing.... Found water in the power supply.... Dried that out and got out my meter.....

Nothing.... Only thing I can get is a hot heat sink. No beep no lights no smoke... !&&* I don't even see damage anywhere. I'm getting 11.8 at the power supply and to the board.... The power switch works. Any ideas on where the circuit breakers are on this board. I can micro sauder quite well....

Any help fixing this or pointers would be greatly appreciated. I was hoping I zapped the power supply but I'm quite sure it's working..... Please help me

Btw dint really get too much water in there... Just enough I suppose

Update (03/15/2016)

So I cleaned it with IPA and put it all back together.... Plugged it in and it turned on after a minute or so.... Log in screen flashed a few times between no signal on the tv. In plugged it be now it won't do any thing.... I'm getting there. One time I had to call apple care and they did this weird thing with the power cord to get it to start.... Any chance you guys might know what to do?

Also the white light and chime were working if that means anything.

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I've heard of strange things your's takes the gold medal!

Sadly, I don't have much hope for your system. Don't use any electric cleaners here as most have oil in them which will just make more of a mess!

You might be able to salvage the HD and RAM but you really need to clean things down with a high grade of isopropyl alcohol (85% or better). The higher the percent the better here as you want to use the alcohol as a dryer as it will pull the water out. let the alcohol evaporate by keeping the parts warm (sunny window sill) for a few days. The cross your fingers!


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Thanks! Gonna go ahead and do that.... So my plan is to toothbrush the mother board with Alcohol and let dry.... In the mean time. Can anyone tell me how to shoot the power supply with my meter and see if that's not the problem? What should I be getting at the pins? Also are there any suggestions if there are certain things I can check on the board?


I would just replace the power supply. Order it from someone who takes returns and see if that does it if not I'd throw in the towel at that point.




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