
Released on July 21, 2011. Core i5 or Core i7 Processor. Thunderbolt. This unit is also used to run the Mac mini Server configuration.

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SSHD went Smoothly- After 12 hours Mac Shut Down

I installed a Seagate 1 TB SSHD, using the IFixit tool kit and instructions. Mac Mini started up, everything was SAT! Start up time approximately 16:00 on Day 1. Used Mac all afternoon and evening, transferring files to second HD, the Seagate 1TB drive.

Next morning (Day 2), approximately 07:30 checked Mac. Running fine, but cooling fan sounded loud (at least I assume the noise was the cooling fan).

Next checked Mac approximately 16:20 on Day 2. Monitor screen was all white. Moving mouse would not "wake up Mac". Turned Mac off and then restarted. Mac, played its "start up tune". Screen showed white, then Apple logo with Progress bar showing underneath logo. Progress bar showed approximately 30% complete, then screen went dark.

I felt Mac, Mac felt "warm", but since I don't regularly feel the Mac, and am new to Mac I have no reference to use as to whether Mac was "too warm".

Left Mac off over night. Next time I turned it on. Mac played the "Start Up" tune and monitor screen turned on, showing first all white, then Apple logo, and finally the Progress bar. Again approximately 30% through the Mac shuts down.

I took the Mac apart, followed the iFixt installation instructions for the second SSHD. All of the connections were sound, clearly in place. Afterall, the second HD worked initially.

Used canned air to blow into fan. Fan spun with no noise.

Left base off, turned Mac over, plugged her back in and connected monitor. Turned on, heard Mac start up tune, monitor screen lit up, observed cooling fan spinning unimpeded. Again Apple logo appeared, then progress bar. Again, at the 30% progress mark the Mac shuts down, cooling fan stops spinning.

Does anyon have any ideas?

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I have attempted to run the Apple Diagnostic routine by pressing the "D" key during start up. The Diagnostic process starts, passes through the memory test, then hangs on the Hardware Test at approximately the 1 minute 50 second mark. The hardware test has been at this point now for over an hour. I have unplugged the Mac three times, each time starting the Diagnostic routine. Same result.

Interestingly, when the hardware test begins the fan appears to run very fast making an unusually loud noise, or at least I assume it is the fan. The Mac warms up noticably. Then the fan slows down, noise greatly diminishes and the Mac generally cools off. Although the Mac remains somewhat "warm to the touch".

I can't believe the Seagate SSHD 1 TB is generating so much heat as to over come the cooling ability of the fan. Even if that was the case, after I left the Mac all night shouldn't I be able to start her up and run her for a few minutes before any type of thermal overload feature kicked in?





See if you can start up with the extensions off (Safe Mode), by holding down the shift key during start up.


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Thanks for the quick response.

I tried that, but "No joy in Mudville". She did the same thing at approximately the 30% point on the progress bar she just shuts down. :-(


Next try starting up holding down the Option & R keys, run Disk Utilities. That failing, do the same and reinstall the system.


I've installed about three dozen of these SSHD drives with the only problems being bad HD/IR cables that had to be replaced. Were you having beach ball issues with the old drive? Also please give us the last four figures of your serial number so we know your exact machine.


@Mayer - I've lost count how many I've put in, it's well over a 100 between the iMac's & Older MacBook Pro's. So far I've only need to replace 4 after the system was dropped. Best investment we've done ;-}


The original drive is still in the macine. I just wanted the extra storage space internally. This is what an Apple Geek at my local Apple store told me I could do. Even gave methe web site.

So, both original HD and the Seagate SSHD 1 TB drive are inn the machine.

Is that the root cause of my situation?

Serial Number: C07GL1R6DJD1




You do need a bootable external disk (or recovery CD/DVD) to boot the system, then you can prep your new HD.

Only the newer models have Internet recovery & you do need internet access from the system (Ethernet ideally). Some older models can get also do internet recovery but you need to update the systems firmware, which doesn't help you now ;-{

Do you have a friend with a Mac? If you do get a USB 16 GB or larger thumb drive with you on your visit. What you'll need to do first is make sure the FAT 32 volume is deleted and you place a GUID partition map onto it using Disk Utility. Then, download if you friend doesn't have a copy yet of the OS installer from the Apple Apps store. Make a copy as the installer file first, then run it to install the OS onto the thumb drive. Once done copy over the OS installer to the drive as you'll need it for your system. Now restart your friends Mac, holding the Option key to get to the boot up manager select your USB drive and make sure your friends Mac starts up if it does you're good to go, shut down your friends Mac and take your USB drive to your Mac and repeat the process on your system. After you finish you can check your firmware following this Apple T/N: EFI and SMC firmware updates for Intel-based Macs.


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I understand your advice, very clear. I have a friend with the identical Mac Mini model, so I can probably create the bootable USB jump drive.

I don't understand why the new SSHD worked for about 18 hours ( I was able to create folders, copy files to the drive, open the files, etc. I booted up the Mac Mini probably four times during that period without any problems) and then the problems. What am I missing?

Also, why did the fan sound so loud?

Doesn't make sense to me.

BTW, when I am running the diagnostic protocol now the Mac is connected by a working CAT5 cable to my DSL Router. So, the machine does have Internet access.

Admittedly, I am a Mac-newbie. So, I'll readily accept that many aspects of a Mac I don't yet understand.


After you create the bootable thumb drive try booting your system up with it and then use Disk Utility from it to check your drive before redoing it. Did you firmly seat the ribbon cable to the drive and/or the logic board. Its possible the cable came undone. Did you follow proper ESD safeguards?


Finally punted and took my Mac Mini to local Apple store. they connected her to their network and ran a diagnostic protocol on her. The 1 TB SSHD I had installed checked SAT!

The original 500 GB HD, with the Apple OS, had failed! Repair is easy, just replace the failed HD and reinstall the OS.

Fortunately I had set the Mini up with Carbonite, so I'll not lose any files. Plus, i still have my Lenovo laptop with all the old files still intact.

All I have rally lost is time and effort. But, I learned a lot.

Thanks to everyone for your input!!!

Once I have her up and running, my next project is investigating a RAM increase. I've read on this site the Mac Mini can actually handle 16 GB Ram.


Ah! So you had a dual drive setup and the older drive failed. Happy it all worked out here.


Yes, and the good news is I didn't create the problem by adding the second drive.




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