
Repair, Sell as is for $125 or Sell Parts?

MBA Screen is cracked. Works fine with external monitor. Someone is offering me $125 for it on Craigslist today. But I know the parts themselves have to be worth $400-$500?

I asked someone on ebay earlier who sells computer parts what he thought I'd get for parts.

His response was $350 Motherboard, good shape top case $100, and screen assembly $300 (--isnt this what is cracked?)

Can I please get your opinion? Is this guy way overestimating. Is $125 the way to go or sell the parts separately on ebay?''italic text''

Opinions appreciated. Have to let buyer know if its still available for him today.

Quick note. I've never worked on Macs (PC's yes) but am willing to spend the hours it will take me if it will earn me more money selling parts.

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A fair price for a junker is figuring out the cost of repairing it (the cost of the damaged parts) minis the cost of buying a used like system. That is the lowest price, then depending on the market you might be able to get more.

Remember the person buying the system is also taking a risk here as the condition & lifespan of a used part is not necessarily as good a new part.

Given the fact the system is in good working order other than the screen. Does it make sense just fixing it and either using it or selling it (working).

One other thought, even donating it might be worth more between the tax break and the good feeling helping a cause. Each year our company fixes up 10 or so systems to give to a local school in need.


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