
Mid 2009 Model A1278 / 2.26 or 2.53 GHz Core 2 Duo processor EMC 2326

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Spilled milk on keyboard, stop working, would not power on.

Hello, I spilled some milk on the keyboard of a MacBook Pro 13". I wiped dry using paper towel. I checked the keys and they all seemed to type fine right after. I did not turn the machine off. After a few hours, the machine turned off by itself. The power button did not turn the machine one. I pushed some keys and the machine came up in safe mode. About half the keys did not work. I turned the machine off and now it would not power up at all, not with the power button, and not with any of the keys I tried.

Your advice on what to try to diagnose and repair greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Yes, it happend to me i cannot do it if you remove the keys look for wire that are not right and send it straight to apple for repairing





Unfortunately you may have fried a component. Wiping the milk off only helped clean the surface liquid. There was likely still liquid that sunk beneath the keyboard down to the logic board. By continuing to operate with liquid on the logic board and other components you probably shorted some components.

My suggestion would be to use this guide to get to your logic board to do a visual inspection. See if you can find any burnt looking components. Be sure to look at any peripheral electronics too to see if those have suffered damage. Let us know what you find, hopefully it isn't too severe!


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Thank you Phillip. I will take things apart tomorrow. Need to get a tri-wire screw driver first.

Does the liquid go through the sides of the keys, and onto the logic board? Where does the keys make contact? Is it with one side of the logic board? Is there a way to get to wherever contacts are made to clean things up?

Many thanks for your kind help. Appreciate it.


The keyboard is not part of the logic board. The keys are either their own unit or part of the upper case (sorry I can't remember). Each key sits on what are essentially buttons. These buttons are each wired to a ribbon cable who's attach point to the logic board can be seen in step 12 here. The logic board guide I linked you to in the answer should get you to every connection and component you need to inspect. This is no small under taking but with some time and care it's entirely possible. Good luck and let us know if you need more help.



Don't you know milk does the body good, but not your macbook?

You need to order another keyboard from crackbay (Also known as ebay. I call it that cause shopping there is so addictive). Also, you need to order another logic board. Replace those two components and you will be right as rain.

A cheaper route, but longer turn around time would be to send your laptop in for logic board cleaning/reflowing and replacement of the micro parts that were damaged and replacement of your keyboard.

You could have avoided all this expense by buying a cheap TPU keyboard cover. The cover keeps liquids from spilling into your keyboard and ruining your logic board. Also, keeps food particles and grime from your fingers off the keyboard.


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yes we know we accidently spilled it on tere



i spilled milk on my school computer and i dont want to get fined and i dont want to get in trouble by my parents and t6e keys aint workin rit if u avent noticed i dont 6ave money 6ow do i fix it


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