
A more affordable, purely handheld version of the Nintendo Switch game console, with integrated Joy-Con controllers and a slightly smaller screen. Released September 20, 2019.

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Fan connected = no boot; fan disconnected = works as usual

I’ve just gotten my hands on a replacement fan to swap the original out which had a broken ribbon cable for this component. On testing the Switch without fan it boots as usual (which it had failed to do with the snapped fan cable seated), but on trying to power on with the new fan installed it behaves just as when the original broken component was in place…

I’ve tested it again in removing the new fan, and it does indeed boot again so long as the fan is not connected. What’s likely to be going wrong beyond what initially was taken to be a fairly straightforward fan replacement?

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My guess would be that having the fan connected introduces a short somewhere, maybe in the connector?


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I gathered it was something like that – it seems to be somewhat isolated, at least! What I’m wondering now is if it’s feasible to replace just the connector or would the whole motherboard need to be swapped?



@sybyl double check the new fan. Make sure that it is identical and see if the connections terminate identical. I would definitely try a different fan first. You did not tell us if you had trouble with that when you had the old fan installed, or how the cable on the old fan snap. There is always a chance it may have damaged the board connector. Check those contacts and make sure it all matches without touching etc.


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The old cable snapped during a shell replacement – the relevant guide advised to disconnect the ribbon cable without unscrewing and removing the fan which was a mistake of course with how tiny the hole to feed the cable through is! The new fan seems to be the exact same model, though I will see about getting it swapped out by the parts seller to ensure it’s not a coincidental fault with this new part. As asked above, would it be feasible to just replace the board connector if the issue resides there?


@sybyl yes it is feasible if you can prove that it is the connector. Use your multimeter and check the contacts to see if there is a short in the wont need to replace the complete motherboard.




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