
Released September 20, Apple's mainstream 2019 iPhone comes with a 6.1" LCD touchscreen, dual cameras, and six available colors. Successor to the iPhone XR.

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Can I use an iFixit screen with original Touch IC?

Hi, I have been looking into how to get rid of the non-genuine screen message when replacing the 11 and up series. I believe I can do the repair, however, I have found out that you can’t do it with an aftermarket screen, only originals. iFixit screens are probably the closest to the original that you can get so that’s the only reason I’m asking. Does anyone know or has anyone tried?

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Do you still have the original screen?





Yes, all the information is on the touch IC.

Some refurbers sell refurbished displays without the touch IC, so you can remove yours, clean ,reball, then attach.

It is a bit fiddly if you're not used to this type of work.

JVC programmer only transfers Truetone over, not the serialised data.


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I myself haven’t done it in my shop yet but I believe you need to transfer over one of the circuit chips from the old screen to the new one. From my own experience, some aftermarket screens won’t show the message while others will. But even if you source an OEM screen and swap them you still get the message unless you can either program the new one or, as I mentioned before, transfer over the circuit chip.


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I should have been more clear. What i’m asking is if I have the original screen that’s paired to an 11, can I take the Touch IC chip off which is the chip containing all the screen data, and put it on an aftermarket screen. In the videos I have watched, they have said that the new screen that you put the original Touch IC onto needs to be an original. I’m wondering if I can use an I can use an iFixit screen instead of an original.


@ddudez23 Now I understand. I would contact ifixit directly and ask if their screens are aftermarket or an OEM refurbished screen but from what I can tell in the images of the display they posted on the product's page, it appears to be an aftermarket. But I may be wrong. Like I said, contact them directly.


@hootonberg The screen that they currently sell is aftermarket.


@andrewsawesome alright you can order an OEM refurbished screen from Mobile Sentrix


@hootonberg I’ve been looking for a website that sells refurbished screens. Thank you.



If you have both the old and new(OEM or aftermarket) , you can use the JC V1S($60 on eBay) to copy the old screen's serial number to the new screen, thus retaining all of the features of the old screen.


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Only true tone will be transferred.




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