My mac is having startup issues / not working

Hi, I went to sleep one night and when I woke up, my mac no longer worked. I got myself a iFix kit to open it up.

Some details / things I’ve tried / notes.

  • Mac does nothing, fan does not spin etc when I try starting it.
  • Mac support over phone suspected it to be the power button that stopped working.
  • I’ve tried disconnecting the battery and it does not make any difference.
  • If I reset SMC (Holding left shift, alt, ctrl & power off button, the MagSafe charger goes Green for a second and then goes back to Orange. (If the power button wasn’t working, it shouldn’t have turned green?)
  • I’ve tried touching the two power pads, but even on my working MacBook, it didn’t launch by doing so, so could be anything.
  • MagSafe charger LED is Orange, even with battery unplugged, not sure if it’s supposed to do that. (However only with one of the adapters.

Any help to narrow the problem down / other help is appreciated.

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