
Display problem: Black appears to be red, external display works.

So I have a macbook pro A1211. The display has crazy redlines whenever it is suppose to be black, other colors look fine but, but black appears red.

however, an external display worked fine!

So I replaced the display data cable... nothing.

I replaced the LCD..... nothing

I unplugged the backlight and shined a light on the screen to see the red lines were still there, so the backlight/inverter is not the problem.

Which leaves the logic board =( =(

Is this correct now I need to replace the logic board?!

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I have the same issue. Did you ever get it figured out?


I see...thanks for getting back to me!





No I never figured it out.

I replaced the display data cable and display and nothing.

Finally I replaced the mobo and that fixed it


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I suggest a hard, amored look at the LVDS socket on the logicboard. When an external screen shows a clean picture, the GPU is not at fault.


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I have looked at it, I don't really know what I am looking for, looks fine,

but yes I agree that socket is probably faulty, and the only way I could fix that would be to replace the logic board right?


First I would try to clean the socket with a toothbrush and alcohol and then reconnect the cable. Sometimes they build up a film that makes for a poor connection. Replacing the logic board is expensive so we want to make it the last thing we try.


Do you think that could work? What could have caused the socket to get dirty?


I'd at least give it a try. Would be careful about the toothbrush though, the pins inside are quite delicate.


no change, this must mean there is a problem between the gpu and connector on the logic board




Our computer was having the same problem. Just before we went out to buy a new mac, my wife noticed that there were some screws loose on the bottom of the computer. When she tightened them it fixed the problem. No more red lines. Try checking for loose screws.


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Thanks! Still have the computer. Still have the issue. Will check it out!



Cheers! I have a Macbook Pro 1211 2.33gHz with a similar problem. Red dots on screen where black should be. 1. Replaced the screen light bulb (no change) 2. Replaced LCD screen (problem remain). Could it be a fuse? I'm afraid it might be the logic board. Suggestions? Thank you!


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I had to replace the logic board,

And yea I had red dots where black should be



I have a very similar problem, same model, except I wouldn't say it's lines, it simply seems like what should be the black background of everything... is all red. Pixelated a bit, but not lines.

I called my local repair guy and he said it was the inverter board (same thing as Display Inverter?) and I was just getting ready to order the parts to try and fix it, but now reading this I am wondering.

Does anybody have any experience with this problem related to the inverter board/ display inverter?

Any help much appreciated.


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Did you ever figure it out? I am having the exact same problem as you.



I have the same problem for the last few months (red pixels where black should be / comes and goes). I found out that if I have a usb stick plugged in and I move it the problem goes for some time. After that I realised that pushing on the metal case near the speaker would have the same effect.

From Apple they suggested that I should replace the logic board but then again they suggested that I should replace the screen as well on a different appointment, so..

Any suggestions ?


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I had red pixels in black spaces on the screen. I opened my macbook 13 and just blew some air at the sockets of inverter cable and display cables. The red pixels vaninshed for a month or so. now I have the same problem but it goes away if I press somewhere at the bottom of the screen at the hinge connector. So I suppose it must a connection problem. I will order a new inverter and display connector and replace them. I will keep you posted.


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Well, I decided to change the inverter and the inverter cable, and "ifixit" sent me these accessories. So today I started at about 7:00 in the afternoon and the replacement was completed in about two hours. Now black is black. No more red pixels. I wouldn't have done it without the help of "ifixit" guides. Thank you very much. I wish you a Happy New Year!



I have a 2010 15" MacBook Pro and have had this "red for black" problem for several years. by changing the angle of the screen, I could get the black back. It has gotten worse and the Mac is now almost unusable. I read somewhere that Apple knew about the problem and extended the warrant but did not publicize it. Last year, I took it the Apple store in Manhattan (Chelsea) and was told by a clerk that they no longer have the part(s) to fix it. The clerk identified the problem by bending the screen back and fouth. He gave me a preprinted list of four companies in NYC who would fix it for $400. I live in Michigan and am in the process of finding a repair shop that will make the repair.


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Hi lyonclan - please could you post the list of 4 companies? thanks hb


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