
The smaller of Apple's MacBook Air laptops featuring dual microphones and 802.11ac Wi-Fi connectivity.

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Cannot get passed boot up!

Hi all.. So my mac has been switched off for around a year now (I know) due to faulty charger, only got round to getting one now (I know) but I cannot get it passed boot up screen. The apple logo and a spinning wheel appears and nothing will work. I have tried to start in safe mode, tried changing to recovery HD and jn verbose mode but nothing will work. Is anyone out there able to salvage this little mac. I don't care if the entire laptop is wiped, would just love it to work. Thanks in advance.. If anyone attempts a fix.

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was it working just fine before you stored it away?





Hello. When you say recovery hd,do you mean you tried an internet recovery with the hard drive?

this link has some info on restoring Mac OS via internet recovery.

Now sometimes a hard drive with physically go bad. If this is the case,you need a new hard drive and to reinstall a fresh copy of the os. If the hard drive is fully corrupted,you may need to use a bootable usb to reinstall the Mac OS.


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@skyethespy this laptop uses an SSD not a hard drive. Most of what your saying still applies, it just the SSD should be physically fine.


Apple sells some install disks themselves online.


Ok. It is likely corrupted. The recovery and primary partition can become corrupted. This is very common in windows especially. I’ve had it happen many times.

If you get the Mac OS iso and create a bootable usb,or buy the disk from apple,you can reinstall it completely.


Hi yes sorry I did the Internet recovery, it let me put in WiFi details but then just sat at the loading screen again and didn't change. I am not very techy so bare with me. Its a macbook air so doesn't have a CD drive. I have a working macbook air, is there any way that can be connected to boot it up?


Yes. A bootable usb flash drive. If you bought the cd you could rip the disk(pull data from it to your computer),and use software to create a bootable usb flash drive.

This is apple’s official link. Since you have a MacBook Air,you could download the os from the App Store on there,and create a bootable flash drive. Just follow a apple’s instructions.

Do you have a flash drive handy?

Check out apple’s link please. See if you can download the Mac OS. This is the easiest way. Otherwise you’ll have to buy the cd from apple and rip it,or find the iso online,which is hard and could have viruses.

It’s a good thing you have another Mac. That’s apples requirement for a diy download of the os.





Edel crwdns2934231:0crwdne2934231:0

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