
Announced - 2014, November The Samsung Galaxy Core Prime (G360, G361) is powered by 1.3GHz quad-core processor, and it comes with 1GB of RAM. The phone packs 8GB of internal storage that can be expanded up to 64GB via a microSD card.

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Is my phone savable?

I dropped my phone in water but it was still working when i got it. I didn't have rice with me but I just thought that it would be okay because I dropped it in the worst ways plenty of times. When I got it out I tried sucking the water out of it (stupid, yeah I know) and it was still on. When I was wiping the phone I dropped it on the floor. It was still on but it had cracked so I turned it off and when I tried to turn it back, it wouldn't work. I know my phone wasn't dead because I had just charged.

Is my phone savable or should I just get a new phone?

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Is it recognized by a computer?





@unifilker sounds like your phone has gone through a lot. ;-)You want to save the rice for cooking, it has no place in any electronic repair situation. It does not work and can make things worth. do not use rice

The very first thing you want to do is to not try to restart the phone. This may further damage your phone. The next thing to do is to clean it. Disassemble your phone using this video Then clean it with +90% isopropyl alcohol. Follow this guide, and even so it was written for an Apple iPhone 3G, all the points are still pertinent to your phone. While you clean your board, check for any obvious damage, like burned or missing components etc. When it is properly cleaned, replace the battery. All these steps are to avoid delayed failure caused by corrosion. Once all this is done, reassemble your phone and reevaluate. Remember that water damage is the hardest to repair and to troubleshoot since any part may have failed. Let us know what you get with this


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Keep that phone out of the rice Also shut it off .Take the phone apart and clean it .Clean every connection with a soft toothbrush. As well clean the logic board; use a 99% isopropyl alcohol for all cleaning. Now is the time to start drying out the phone. Set the screen in a desiccant or silica gel leave it in for several days moving it from time to time to get the max effect from the desiccant. Use a blow dryer on a low heat setting to dry the rest of the phone. Only use a hair dryer once you have cleaned the phone completely with the alcohol. Do not attempt to dry the phone if it’s still wet with water with the blow dryer as this only spreads the water. Replace the battery with a new one considers the old ones done. Clean again with isopropyl alcohol let dry and when you think everything is clean and dry reassemble the phone (make sure to clean the contacts on the screen after removing from the desiccant). Once you've reassembled the phone it’s time to power it on. Hold your breath and hope for the best

This video will help with the disassembly


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Unie Filkerbursch crwdns2934231:0crwdne2934231:0

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