
Model A1136 / 30, 60, or 80 GB hard drive / black or white plastic front

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Stuck in disk mode, error 1416 and -16!

Basically guys, I have an ipod video 5.5g 30gb - and all was fine up until a few weeks ago when it locked u and I got the sad mac logo.

So I ordered a new 120gb hard drive to put in it as the old 30gb just wasn't big enough any more. I've connected it all back together and I thought it was all good.

I connected the ipod to my mac and it told me that had to initialise the drive. So I went into disk utility and tried to format it as mac journaled only to come across the error:

"Disk Erase failed with the error:

POSIX reports: The operation couldn’t be completed. Resource busy"

bit of a bugger - so i started to dig around and came across an apple post by hobbsit_atx ( - and i tried the terminal command only to get the error code -16 the operation couldn't be completed.

So now i've tried the termainal commands with the same result (error-16) and itunes just tells me that the ipod is corrupt and I need to restore - which i try only for itunes to give me the "1416" error - which from what I can see - there isn't a fix.

I'm getting nearly to breaking point now, and this ipod is about to be launched out of the window. Can anyone please help me? Or have I managed to screw this thing up so badly I've now got a small door stop?


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*meeek* totaly wrong way. To get it to work, the iPod needs to be restored by iTunes

Set the iPod to disk mode, connect to a computer runnig iTunes follow the instructions to restore the iPod, done.


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i've tried to restore to itunes, lots of times - just get the error 1416. problem is it won't come out of disk mode. I've used disk utility to try and format the drive - no effect - just get the -16 error as i've stated above. Nothings working so i'm getting the impression that the drive's faulty.....


Could be. How do you connect the hard drive to your computer? Via the iPod or a adapter? Download the Ultimate Boot CD short UBCD it contains a lot of helpfull tools. Also a HDD SMART test tool that should give you informations about the hard drives status and there are also some low level formating tools as well.


The hard drive's connected through the ipod - I've not got a zif to usb adaptor. I'll try UBCD, and see how i get on.....


Ok, that leads to another possible problem, the flex cable. When the hard drive cable is not properly set, or bend one time to often it sometimes happens that the hard drive is working but can´t be read. so you can try it with a new hard drive cable or via an 1.8" ZIF to USB adapter.


Well, i've just ordered a new flex cable just in case....i'm using one of the tools from UBCD to wipe the drive - but it's taking ages!! I'm just leaving it running and we'll see tomorrow...




You have an old iPod Video 5.0 motherboard. This motherboard will only accept the 30 and 60GB harddisks.


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"You have an old iPod Video 5.0 motherboard. This motherboard will only accept the 30 and 60GB harddisks."

Not true. I have a 5G 60GB motherboard in my 240GB iPod and it works just fine.


Tony, check on that again You need to check your logic board, right under the LCD cable is a number that starts"Apple 820-XXXX" If your says "820-1763-A" then you have a first generation iPod video and you can only upgrade to a 60GB drive. Anything above is not supported." I bet in your case your number will not be a first gen logic board. So, your "Not true" statement is not true:0


There are only TWO motherboards for the 5 & 5.5 Gen Video iPod.

820-1763-A - 5th Gen version "1763"

820-1975-A - 5.5 Gen version "1975"

Each can be found with *EITHER* 32MB RAM or 64MB RAM. The board number is the same. You have to look at the RAM chip to tell them apart.

The 32mb RAM boards were shipped with the 30GB Video iPods.

820-1763-A with 64MB RAM was shipped with the 60GB version.

820-1975-A with 64MB RAM was shipped with the 80GB version.

When you update either board's firmware to Software 1.3 the only difference is the lack of *SEARCH* for 1763 motherboards.

I have a 64MB 1763 w/64MB RAM motherboard running Software 1.3 and I do not have SEARCH. My wife's 30GB Video has motherboard 1975 w/32MB RAM and she has SEARCH.

Dr.RePod, I stand by my statement. I have a 1763 motherboard in my Video iPod and it has a 240GB hard drive that is fully reconized with Software 1.3. Right now it's about 1/2 full with 16,000 songs. I use it every day :)


That is an excellent explanation. Great job. As you correctly pointed out "The 32mb RAM boards were shipped with the 30GB Video iPods." the question here deals with exactly that model. So if it (the 30GB Video) has the ""820-1763-A" it can not be upgraded above 60GB.


oldturkey03, you still have it wrong.

The 1763 motherboard with 32MB ram *WILL* recognize any hard drive upto 240GB with Software 1.3. It is *NOT* limited to 60GB.

With *EARLIER* versions of the firmware (Software 1.0, 1.1, & 1.2) there *MIGHT* have been a 60GB limit with the 1763 motherboards. I have never tested one with any version other than Software 1.3. The maximum hard drive limit is 240GB with *EITHER* motherboard.

Why the 240GB limit? Because that is the largest PATA ZIF drive ever made and no one has a larger drive to test them with! The 320GB 1.8" Toshiba drive is a SATA drive not a PATA ZIF drive. 240GB is as large as it gets in the PATA ZIF world.

The *largest* harddrive that will fit in a 30GB "thin" case is the Samsung HS12YHA 120GB 3600RPM 1.8" 5mm thick drive.

If you want to put the 240GB hard drive in a 30GB Video iPod, you will have to swap out the backcover, hold switch, & earphone connector and get a larger battery from the 60/80GB versions.

With a 240 GB HD installed on either 32MB RAM motherboards, the problem you will get is that you will soon run out of *memory* for the iTunes database file if you get beyond 13,000 or so songs. With a 120GB hard drive, depending on the size of the songs, you could also run out of RAM. But Software 1.3 will see the entire hard drive. Period. End of story.



Hi there and may be I am totally wrong here but is the motherboard for the 30GB not different than one for the 80-120GB I thought the 30GB boards had 32MB of RAM while the 80GB board had 64MB of RAM. May be that is why you get that -16 error. But of course I am no expert so excuse my ignorance :)


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For the ipod video (5th gen) - there was a difference between the motherboards for the 30 & 60gb/80gb. However, for the 5.5g the motherboards were all the same as far as I'm aware. I'm no expert either, so I could be wrong.....


The logic board should be no problem. There are 5/5.5G iPods out there running with 250gig hard drives. I updated my broken 30gig iPod with a 120gig hard drive and mine is working fine.




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