A1395 Logic Board Replacement problems

So I replaced the logic board in my iPad 2 (A1395). I replaced it because, the PFC (digitizer connector's) were broken, and I know they can be replaced, however I know it's probably not something I should learn to surface mount solder on, so I bought a replacement board from eBay. I know there is a chance I got a bad board, however I bought from a reputable seller with hundreds of good reviews. Before replacing the board, I replaced the battery, power/volume cable, wifi antenna and screen. Everything worked except there was no response to some areas of the screen. I tracked it down to a broken PFC connector on the logic board. I ordered a replacement, replaced it, and now it doesn't even turn on. I thought it could be the board, so I put the old one back in and same thing. My question is, am I missing something. Are there any points anywhere I can test to determine if its logic board, lcd, etc. I am comfortable with a multimeter and working with electronics. Is there a way to see if the logic board is getting power, if the iPad is charging when I plug it in, anything that could point me in the right direction.

Thank You

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