
Help - Replaced battery, still getting sad face

I ordered the kit to replace the battery for my ipod mini and it has made no difference. The ipod mini's problems have remained the same: the display rotates between 3 screens when it's plugged in or has a charge: apple symbol, then the battery symbol with the lightening bolt (battery appears to be 1/4 charged in the image), and then a picture of an ipod with a sad face overlaid with a "!" in a triangle, and at the bottom it says

Since changing the battery, the ipod is making a buzzing/electronic noise you can hear when it's close to your face. Almost like the old dial-up sound.

My main goal is to get the music off of it onto my computer or another device. Second goal would be to make it usable because I think it's really fun and retro looking.

Thank you for any suggestions!

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isabelfgreiner usually if a sad iPod icon or an exclamation point and folder icon appears on your iPod’s screen, or with sounds of clicking or HDD whirring, it is a sign of a hard drive problem. Check on here for some possible fixes.


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