
Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement


  1. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement, Display Assembly: crwdns2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Detach the smart watch from the band by pushing on the back of the watch housing.

    • The power button may fall out once the smart watch is detached.

    • Set aside the power button and watch band as they are no longer needed for further disassembly.

  2. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement: crwdns2935265:02crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Use a plastic opening tool to carefully pry the LCD screen from the watch housing.

  3. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement: crwdns2935265:03crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Use a plastic opening tool or spudger to lift the screen assembly press-fit connector free.

  4. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement: crwdns2935265:04crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Set aside the detached LCD screen to access the battery.

  5. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement, Battery: crwdns2935265:05crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Lift one side of the battery up carefully. There is a thin black circuit adhered to the back of the battery that connects to the motherboard and the charger.

    • The connection is already broken in this image and you will not be able to lift the battery this high.

  6. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement: crwdns2935265:06crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Push the black piece down while very carefully pulling the battery off. Work your way around without lifting the black piece up too much.

  7. Sony Smart Watch SW2 Battery Replacement: crwdns2935265:07crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Once the battery is free from the frame adhesive, desolder the black and red battery wires.

    • Remove the battery.


To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order after the battery is replaced.


Vincent Shiue


256 crwdns2915208:0crwdne2915208:0



IUPUI, Team S1-G5, Freund Spring 2018 crwdns2935289:0IUPUI, Team S1-G5, Freund Spring 2018crwdne2935289:0






please from where can i get the battery i want new one you know any website sell this battery


hossamman2014 - crwdns2934203:0crwdne2934203:0

I think AliExpress has some compatible batteries. I may order one too.

S. Pamnco -



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