
How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric


  1. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric, Fabric: crwdns2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Remove the fabric from the extender arms of your umbrella.

    • This allows you to more easily work with the torn area, as the fabric won't be held tightly.

  2. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric: crwdns2935265:02crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Sew the tear together from the back side of the umbrella using your needle and nylon thread.

    • Be sure to use a thin gauge nylon thread, as cotton threads will soak through and cause leaks in your canopy.

  3. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric: crwdns2935265:03crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Cut your patch to an appropriate size relative to the tear.

    • The size of your patch should be big enough to completely cover the tear, with around an inch of additional material on all sides.

  4. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric: crwdns2935265:04crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Apply your fabric glue to the backside of your patch material.

  5. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric: crwdns2935265:05crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Lay the torn area of the fabric on a flat surface.

  6. How To Patch a Hole in Umbrella Fabric: crwdns2935265:06crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Apply your patch squarely over the torn fabric.


To reassemble your umbrella, reattach the fabric to the rivets that you disconnected it from.

Brandon Hillert


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University of North Texas, Team S1-G14, Raign Fall 2020 crwdns2935289:0University of North Texas, Team S1-G14, Raign Fall 2020crwdne2935289:0







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