
2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement


  1. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement, Air Filter: crwdns2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Correctly identify the air filter for a 2009-2013 Mazda 3.

    • Go to your local car repair shop for help when buying the air filter.

  2. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:02crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Identify where the level is to pop the car hod.

  3. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:03crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • After opening the hood, locate the air filter container.

    • It is located on the south side of the battery.

  4. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:04crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Identify where the metal clips are on the side of the air filter container.

    • Unlatch both metal clips on the air filter container to open.

  5. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:05crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • When the air filter container is open, remove old filter.

    • When the old filter is removed, wipe out container with a wet paper towel.

    • Filter is in there tight, make sure to use a decent amount of force when pulling out.

  6. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:06crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • Replace new filter.

    • It is a tight squeeze, so make sure the filter is properly fit into the container.

  7. 2009-2013 Mazda 3 Air Filter Replacement: crwdns2935265:07crwdnd2935265:01crwdnd2935265:01crwdne2935265:0
    • After you have replaced the new filter, close container and latch both metal hooks to close the container.


You have successfully changed an air filter in any 2009-2013 Mazda 3 model.


Lana Sween


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