Installed IFlash Dual and now my iPod 5.5 isn't being recognized.

Hello all, I need assistance/guidance, I have a 5th gen IPOD and I installed a iFlash Dual. NOW my IPOD is not being recognized by my PC & back light isn’t working, looked easy on YouTube!

The troubleshooting I have done

I know the USB port & Cable is good.

Did updating/downloading on new drivers.

Did flash the SDcards.

Did uninstalled/reinstalled ITUNES.

Did rebooted the IPOD many times.

Did check Device Manager and the IPOD doesn’t show up

Did Windows+R to look at drivers, last ones I had was May 6th 2020

Did Windows+R and looked at Service.smc

When I try to put it into diagnostic mode the IPOD freezes.

When I put it in the old hard drive everything works fine, PC/ITunes recognizes the IPOD

When I charge the IPOD via a wall plug the back light turns on, but as soon as I plug it into the PC it goes dark.

I have looked all over for info and I am seeing the same suggestions all around and just seeing if you folks have different suggestions, thank you in advance.

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